Location: Bayside, New York, United States


Shore Life And Other Summertime Ramblings

I love the seashore. Even this blog has a reference to the beach and it is no accident. Given a choice of where I would live with money being no object, a tropical island beach always comes to mind. Although this stems from my experience on Andros Island in the Bahamas back in 1988, it is only recently - like, in the last 4 or 5 years, as far as I can pinpoint - that warm, beach climate has become my environment of choice. When I was young, and all the way up to about 5 years ago, if you had asked me what my favorite seasons were, I would have said, in this order: winter, fall, summer, spring. There has always been something about a cold, grey winter day that seemed almost magical to me, snow-covered or not. It seemed to me, what good is weather if it is not a challenge? Clearing a driveway after a heavy snow in chilling temperatures and howling winds is about as close as we get to "roughing it" these days. And I still enjoy playing in a fresh blanket of frosty whiteness. What better than to take a walk by the bay in the dead of winter? There is someting in that weather that begs - no, forces introspection. That being said, if you asked me to list my favorite seasons today, it would be: summer, fall, winter, spring. So, why the about-face? I can narrow the turning point down to Martin Luther King Day in January, 2004. I was at work that day (I still have never had MLK Day off, officially) and it was lunch time. It was a typical New York City kind of winter day: windy and bone-chilling. But I insisted on taking a 15-minute walk and convinced my co-worker, Bob, to accompany me. I departed, sans hat or gloves. Big mistake. Upon my return, my head was so frozen that it was numb and I was dizzy for a good 20 minutes after I sat at my desk. It was at that moment that I realized, "winter sucks!" I had a good friend, Tom, who was a beach bum, right down to his beach house down the Jersey shore. I found myself gravitating toward him in phone conversations, living vicariously through his sand-and-sea lifestyle. I was going to be a beach bum, at least in spirit, I decided. By the time April rolled around, I found myself making half-hour pilgrimages to the Orchard Beach boardwalk in the Bronx during my lunch hours, practically dragging summer into being. I bought new sunglasses. I found my Jamaican Bay tropical-print shirts. I planned family outings to Robert Moses State Park and Jones Beach. I bought a new pair of leather sandals. I re-decorated my bathroom in a beach-themed motif, right down to the carved wood sea captains and surfboard toothbrush holder. I bought tropical parrot lights and hung them around my drawing table. I was in it for the long haul, Beach Boys music and all! Today, I try to stretch the summer from the beginning of April to the end of October. It usualyy works well for me. After all, temperatures were hovering around 75 degrees as near as two days ago. Besides, the summer lifestyle is a state of mind, anyway. I guess that I will have to finally usher in the autumn over the next couple of weeks. But that doesn't mean I'm not looking ahead to the summer of 2007. I just bought a leather surfer's necklace off eBay from someone named "sunny beach". Sounds like my kind of beach bum!


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